About Us

By utilising nature’s foods we can come to a more balanced way in life, from our cells, optimising of our energy though to relationship within our communities and the world at large.

Alongside awareness of sustainability and the endless rich variety that the earth has to offer, each individual body has specific make-up, needs and demands and hence will require a different balance of nutrients – At Reawaken, this is what we address.

Finding essential nutrients in natural form nowadays is very difficult. We are becoming a culture of pill poppers with over production of everyday crops, trends being driven by marketing to the commercial industry demands. With natural foods having lost much of their nutrients, time and financial constraints alongside many foods needing to be eaten on the go, we’ve lost the nurturing component of our food and its resultant benefits.

By introducing a range of nutrient rich wholefoods which can be added to support your everyday foods, nutrient intake and absorption can be supported. Ease of daily integration has been taken into account by suggesting preparation and

We do not advocate extreme diets or ways of eating and understand that each individual and blood types will need a variety of high nutrient foods, alongside the potential need of superfoods or supplements. So this is what we offer to you here, in a way that’s easy to assimilate in your everyday life.